Sponsor a Community

Help turn the tide in a local community.

Reaching sexual violence survivors and helping them access needed support to improve their lives are our main objectives.

Each community faces its own unique challenges regarding sexual violence. By sponsoring a community, you enlist our field response team to create a locally-customized strategy for bringing the most support possible to survivors within that local area.


When you sponsor a community, MapYourVoice can catalyze big change.



Your sponsorship makes possible:



We research and report upon the existing local realities of sexual violence: existing resources, statistics and contributing factors, gaps in support, and barriers to survivors accessing help.

Local Collaboration

We work together with local experts, health officials, victim’s advocates, government agencies, etc. to determine the best way MapYourVoice can support your sponsored community’s needs.

MapYourVoice Integration

Comprehensive integration of local resources into the MapYourVoice platform for local survivors, helping survivors within your sponsored community easily find what they need to be safe and recover.

Public Advocacy Campaign

In collaboration with the local survivor support network, the field team will carry out a local public awareness campaign within your sponsored community. This includes a comprehensive public relations strategy engaging local media outlets as well as a viral social media campaign.

Progress Report

Our programmers and data analysts have developed a host of data tracking systems. Once the local campaign is complete, our team analyzes the data and compares it against the initial statistics to determine how many people were supported by your community sponsorship effort.

Problem-Solving Data

When local survivors engage with MapYourVoice, a wealth of locally-specific problem-solving data is gained. A comprehensive report is provided to all local service providers, empowering their efforts to continue combatting sexual violence within their community.


Make a significant impact on the lives of people in a local community.



From start to finish, a local community sponsorship project takes 4-6 months to complete.

As a community sponsor, you receive a comprehensive final report upon your project's completion.

And because we are a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, sponsoring a local community is tax deductible.

The cost of our field response team operation is based upon a community's population size. Community sponsorship starts at $5000.


Interested in getting involved? We'd love to hear from you.


Raise your voice to help survivors worldwide reclaim theirs.